The College Professional Study Committee (CPSC) handles all issues and proposals related to the "educational processes" of the college. Anyone in the college (faculty member, staff member, administrator or student) can make a proposal to CPSC for study and consideration. The CPSC membership includes two co-chairs, the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of the MCCEA, five administrators, one faculty member elected at large and five faculty appointed by the MCCEA Board of Directors.

CPSC Process

CPSC, the College Professional Study Committee, is established by the Faculty Master Contract (X.R.1a). Its membership and its jurisdiction are defined there.

  1. The Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of the MCCEA serve as cochairs.
  2. CPSC meets regularly once a month through the academic year. These meetings are usually held at noon on the fourth Friday of the month. Meeting agendas, location, and times are announced via e-mail and are available on the MCC website. Items to be presented for study by CPSC are due in the office of the VPAA by noon, one week prior to the CPSC meetings (usually the third Friday of each month).
  3. Meetings of the CPSC and its subcommittees are open to any member of the college.
  4. Subjects for study by CPSC can be originated by any faculty member, student, or administrator.
  5. General subjects for study are submitted on a Form 1; curricular changes are submitted on one of two Form 1-A’s, one for new or revised courses and one for new or revised programs. An electronic copy of completed forms and all necessary attachments must be sent to the Vice President of Academic Affairs via email to Kristy Thurston at Kristy.Thurston@mcc.edu.
  6. An agenda will be published via e-mail prior to CPSC, Curriculum and Academic Affairs meetings.
  7. The standing sub-committees are Academic Affairs and Curriculum. Also reporting to CPSC are the Distance Learning Advisory Committee and the Academic Computing Committee. CPSC may also, at its discretion, establish Ad Hoc committees to study and report on particular topics. Examples of such committees in the recent past have included committees studying:
    • Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
    • General Education
    • Hybrid Courses
    • Each academic division is represented on Ad Hoc Committees. Meetings are held monthly and are open to all interested in attending. For further information, contact your division representative.

  8. Either the faculty representatives or the administrative representatives may invite consultants or other outside speakers to address a CPSC meeting.
  9. All reports will be in writing and will be available to faculty, students, and administrators.
  10. Summaries of CPSC actions will be distributed throughout the college via e-mail and are available on the MCC website .


  1. Each division shall elect one faculty member to serve on each standing sub-committee. These elections are held in December, for a two-year term beginning in January.
  2. The MCCEA may, at its discretion, appoint one member for each sub-committee.
  3. Up to three administrators may be appointed by the Academic Vice President to serve on Academic Affairs and Curriculum subcommittees.
  4. Committee members may send a representative if they will be absent at a meeting, and are allowed to vote as a committee member. The representative must be either a faculty representative when substituting for a faculty member, or an administrative representative for an administration member.
  5. The position of Chairperson is open to any voting member. Chairpersons and secretaries shall be elected each January by a majority of the voting members present.
  6. Responsibilities of the Chairperson include:
    1. Calling meetings as necessary; developing the agenda and publishing it via e-mail.
    2. Ensuring that all recommendations from the sub-committee are sent on a Form 2 to the CPSC, in time to be placed on the agenda for its next meeting.
    3. Attending all CPSC meetings when an item has been placed on the agenda by the sub-committee.