Here's what some former F5 Build School Students had to say about their experience

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"This is just a follow-up thank you for conducting an absolutely super automotive course with the Kit Car Construction Workshop this past weekend. My sons and I had a fabulous time learning not only the many nuances and details of building a FFR Roadster, but we also learned so much automotive maintenance information that can be applied to any car. It truly exceeded our expectations."

With utmost respect and appreciation,

John W. Shaner, DMD, MS
Associate Professor, General Dentistry Department
Creighton University Medical Center School of Dentistry

The Mott Community College Build School is a gem! The 3-day class was fantastic! I was excited about how fast the car went together and about all the engineering (FFR) built into the car to make it so easy to build. Both Jim and Todd were excellent!

If you buy a kit you can cut your build time in half by taking the FFR Build School. Anyone that buys a kit and doesn't take the course will certainly spend many, many hours building the kit that could have been spent driving their treasure!

Carl Thompson
Future FFR Owner
Newark, DE

It is my pleasure to greet you once again with praise for the Factory Five Build School. As I wrote you days ago, my son, Turner, and I were fortunate to have attended class in early April. Mr. Jim Jennings instructed. Mr. Jennings performed his job so well that I felt it to be my duty to report to you. I am indebted to Jim and you for the experience that was better than any instruction I've had. And, I've had plenty. I'm sixty years old, graduated from college, in and out of the Army, and three more years of school after that. Mr. Jennings's hard work, helpfulness, demonstration of various tool use, focus on the subject, clear communication, dedication to the student and subject, and enthusiasm are far above average. As you know, the class is a pretty intense three days. Jim keeps the pace moving at just the right speed. The student gets to the end of a day without noticing he is tired. Well, I could go on and on with more praise and thanks. But I'll close now with a large congratulations and many thanks!

Sincerely yours,
John Allen

"The Mott Build School should be a knee jerk reflex recommendation for any novice thinking of taking on this project. It should be VERY STRONGLY recommended to everyone else. These guys will show you things that will save you HOURS of work and LOTS of money - things you could only know after doing a few dozen of these kits.

The three days were packed with valuable information. This course is so well organized, I'm at a loss for words. Between the build sections, there were short seminars on a variety of topics which allowed me to take notes...and notes...and notes. An appropriate amount of breaks allowed for each student to ask questions more specific to their build plan. What more can you ask for than 3 full days of Roadster talk!!

In the end, I learned that:

1) I can build the car
2) Made a bunch of friends
3) I can build the car
4) Got lots of pics
5) I can build the car
6) Will have saved myself time and frustration
7) I can build the car
8) Mott College Build School is worth a lot more than they charge!
9) I can build the car
10) The FFR Roadster kit is the way to go"

Marc St. Amand
London, Ontario, Canada