You must have a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. (Higher if it is required by your program of study).
You must be in good academic standing. This mean you must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) with no violations of "Denied" or "Suspended"
**Note: Applying for the ACG is not a guarantee that funds will be awarded.
Additional information about the Attendance Cost Grant (ACG):
The ACG will not be awarded for classes that are retakes or that are not required
for your program of study.
The ACG will not be awarded for any developmental classes (Any class numbered lower
than 100, i.e., MATH-072 or ENGL-099).
The ACG may be received more than one semester in an academic year if funds are available
and eligibility criteria is met.
Being approved for the ACG in one semester does not guarantee an award in future semesters.
Awarded amounts will not be carried over from one semester to the next.
In determining eligibility for the ACG, your overall academic record will be reviewed.
Students who have earned a marketable degree are not eligible for the ACG.
ACG is based on the availability of funds. In accordance with federal guidelines,
those with the greatest need (as determined by the Special Populations Program Director),
will be given priority consideration for the ACG.
The ACG is awarded to pay towards books, tuition, fees, and supplies only. Students
cannot receive a refund from ACG awards.
Applying for the ACG does not remove the responsibility of paying for classes from
the student.
Applying for the ACG does not mean that your classes will not be dropped for non-payment.
Approval of an ACG award can not be guaranteed therefore, all ACG applicants must
secure a primary form of payment for tuition, such as a payment plan.