Rates are subject to change pending Board approval.
In-District | Out-of-District | Out-of-State |
160.00 | 210.00 | 299.00 |
Fees are subject to change pending Board approval.
Course Fee | Student Services Fee | Student Administrative Fee | Technology Fee |
Fees ranging from $1.75 to $500 will be charged for classes using specialized equipment or laboratory supplies. | A $160.00 fee is charged each semester. | A $12.20 per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses. | A $9.15 per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses. |
Rates are subject to change pending Board approval.
In-District | Out-of-District | Out-of-State |
156.25 | 199.57 | 284.44 |
Fees are subject to change.
Course Fee | Student Services Fee | Student Administrative Fee | Technology Fee |
Fees ranging from $1.75 to $500 will be charged for classes using specialized equipment or laboratory supplies. | A $156.25 fee is charged each semester. | A $11.92 per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses. | A $8.94 per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses. |
Rates are subject to change pending Board approval.
In-District | Out-of-District | Out-of-State |
156.25 | 199.57 | 284.44 |
Fees are subject to change.
Course Fee | Student Services Fee | Student Administrative Fee | Technology Fee |
Fees ranging from $1.75 to $500 will be charged for classes using specialized equipment or laboratory supplies. | A $156.25 fee is charged each semester. | A $11.92 per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses. | A $8.94 per contact hour fee will be charged for all courses. |
If your residency status changes from out-of-district to in-district when you update your address, it is your responsibility to report this to the Records Office. You must provide proof of the residency change by providing a Michigan photo id with the change; and one of the following: current motor vehicle registration, property tax receipt for property tax within Mott College district, utility bill with service at the in-district address, a signed and dated rental or lease agreement showing address including dates of the lease and signature/phone number of the landlord. Students who petition to change their residency classification to in-district status must submit proof of in-district residency for 30 days before the first day of a semester.
The schedule for the refund of tuition and fees is provided on the Academic/Registration Calendar each semester and session.
Students may request a Tuition Appeal due to extenuating circumstances that occur during an academic term that prevented the student from successfully completing the course. Appeals may only be filed once per academic term and cannot be filed consecutively.
Semester | Deadline |
Summer 2024 (S23/24): | November 22, 2024 |
Fall 2024 (F24/25): | March 18, 2025 |
Winter 2025 (W24/25): | August 2, 2025 |
Summer 2025 (S24/25): | November 21, 2025 |
A tuition appeal is only considered for courses in which the student withdrew. You must drop or withdraw from your classes first before a tuition appeal is reviewed. Examples of extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to military deployment, a change in employment, extended illness of the student or immediate family member, a death in the immediate family, etc. All appeals must have supporting documentation.
Tuition appeal approvals may have significant academic and financial impacts, including impacting your financial aid award for the term. Students who utilized book advances or received refunds may need to repay these amounts. You are encouraged to discuss your decision to submit an appeal with your academic advisor and, if applicable, Financial Aid staff, Veteran Services staff and Athletics staff. Please note that meeting with these offices does not constitute an automatic approval of your tuition appeal.
Completed appeals, including supporting documentation, must be received within 90 days of the end of the semester/session for which the student is submitting the appeal. Appeals that are not considered complete will not be reviewed by the Tuition Appeals Committee. Appeals that are submitted after the posted deadline will be denied.
When you request a tuition appeal, you are requesting Mott Community College to remove the listed courses from your transcript and adjust tuition and fees. Appeal approval does not guarantee that you will not owe the college money. You may owe bookstore charges, unearned Financial Aid or other charges not associated with tuition. Filing an appeal does not relieve your current financial obligation to MCC.
There are two ways to fill out a tuition appeal.
For the purpose of the tuition appeal process, extenuating circumstance is defined as a one-time occurrence that was outside of the student’s control.
Qualifying Circumstance | Minimum Required Documentation (All information submitted is strictly confidential) |
Recent medical condition (unanticipated medical condition that occurred during the eligible semester) For medical withdrawals, the documentation must state that you were unable to complete the semester due to your medical condition and/or treatment. |
Dated letter on letterhead signed by the attending physician from your withdrawal term containing the nature of your illness/injury, date of onset, dates of hospitalization/physician appointments, severity and your inability to attend school due to the condition. |
Physical or mental illness
For medical withdrawals, the documentation must state that you were unable to complete the semester due to your medical condition and/or treatment. |
Dated letter on letterhead signed by the attending physician from your withdrawal term containing the nature of your illness/injury, date of onset, dates of hospitalization/physician appointments, severity and your inability to attend school due to the condition. |
Immediate family emergency (i.e death or illness)
Immediate is defined as follows: parents; spouse; children (by blood, adoption or marriage); siblings; legal guardian. Documentation of relationships is required. |
For death in the family:
For immediate family member illness: Dated letter on letterhead signed by the attending physician containing the dates of occurrence, nature and severity of your relative’s illness/injury and a statement that the student served as a caregiver during the illness. |
Change in Employment
Employment changes will only be considered for the semester for which the appeal is filed. |
Emergency Housing Situation
Housing changes will only be considered for the semester for which the appeal is filed. |
Military Orders | Military orders including the date of enlistment and any dates of training or active duty |
Other Documentation the Tuition Appeals Committee May Request
Additional documentation may be requested based on the specific situation. |
Supporting documentation: All documentation must be prepared on letterhead, signed and dated. All documentation must demonstrate that you were unable to complete the semester due to your particular issue.
Supporting documentation is required for all appeals. Appeals without supporting documentation will be automatically denied. Failure to submit documentation will result in the closing of your appeal.
All documentation is subject to verification. Any submission of false documentation is a violation of the Mott Community College Student Code of Conduct and could result in disciplinary action.
Your request will be reviewed and a decision will be made within 30 calendar days of submission.
Appeals may only be filed once per academic term and cannot be filed consecutively.
Students receiving any type of Financial Aid, including loans, grants and scholarships, should be aware that their account will be reviewed to determine how much financial aid they have earned. Rules and regulations governing Federal Financial Aid programs cannot be waived through a tuition appeal or under any other circumstances.
The average time for an appeal to be reviewed and processed varies, however most appeals are received, reviewed and processed within 30 calendar days.
Appeals that do not have supporting documentation or that are incomplete take longer to process. All appeals must have supporting documentation and must include all of the information requested on the form.
Further questions regarding your appeal may be directed to tuition.appeals@mcc.edu
The committee is scheduled to meet once per week. Please keep in mind that this schedule may vary during weeks with holidays, weather emergencies, or large scale college events.
All communication regarding tuition appeals will be sent to your Mott email address. Questions regarding your appeal may be directed to tuition.appeals@mcc.edu. Please include your name, your student ID# and the term of your appeal.
An approved Tuition Appeal removes courses from your transcript and tuition charges from your account when applicable.
An approved SAP Appeal re-establishes your eligibility to receive Financial Aid funding. It does not adjust your transcript or any charged tuition. For more information please visit Satisfactory Academic Progress - Appeal Process or speak with Financial Aid.
This institution will adhere to the following procedure for the purposes of establishing residency requirements in Michigan for certain active duty members of the armed forces of the United States, or these members’ spouses and dependent children:
See also Veterans and Dependent Benefits