Who We Are & What We Do


The Friends of the Mott Library organization was established in 1989 and became a part of the Foundation for Mott Community College, operating under the Foundation’s adopted by-laws. The Friends work together to promote the Mott Library on campus and in the community, assist the library by volunteering time and talents, provide funds for special projects, purchase new equipment and books, strengthen the commitment to life-long learning, and enhance library services for students and community patrons.

The group is made up of students, alumni, faculty, staff, retirees, campus groups, community individuals and organizations. A Board of Directors, including the Director of the Library, works to fund unmet needs of the library and develops fundraising activities and special projects to meet those needs. Along with the library staff, the Friends have been instrumental in keeping the library a vibrant, service-oriented destination for students and the campus community.


In 2006, the Friends of the Mott Library endorsed the creation of a Friends Endowment fund that is maintained by the Foundation for Mott Community College. An initial $10,000 was invested with the Foundation. Aimed at creating a long-term endowment funding base for supporting library initiatives, the endowment has provided a learning experience for the Board and the Friends members.


Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be Friends of the Mott Library (herein after referred to as “Friends”).

Article II. Mission

Friends of the Mott Library is an association of persons with an interest in promoting the services, improving the facilities, and responding to the needs of the Mott Community College Library.

Article III. Membership

Section 1.

Person(s) may become a patron member with a $52 pledge through our Patron Pledge Program. Pledge is valid for the duration of one fiscal period, July 1 through June 31.

Section 2.

Patrons will receive semester library newsletters, an invite to our annual luncheon and name recognition on our display board in the library vestibule.

Section 3.

Each member shall be entitled to one vote.

Article IV. Election of Officers and Board of Directors

Section 1.

The officers shall be President, Vice-President and Recording Secretary, elected as hereinafter provided. Non-elected officers include Ex officio [Library Director] and Secretary-Treasurer [Administrative Assistant] which are held by library personnel, and Past President held by previous Friends President.

Section 2.

Nominations for officer and director vacancies shall be presented by a special nominating committee of at least three, to be appointed by the President. Nominations from the floor will be invited; no one shall be nominated without their consent.

Section 3.

Board officers and directors shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting every two years. Re-election of officers every two years; to be at most a four-year executive term. With the ability to apply for re-election after a two-year hiatus.

Section 4.

President shall appoint a current Board member to fill an officer vacancy.  Such appointments shall be approved at a regular meeting of the Board.

Section 5.

All elected Officers and Board of Directors must be dues paying members.

Article V. Duties of Officers

Section 1.

President: Preside over meetings, create and appoint all committees and be an Ex officio member thereof, except as limited herein.

Section 2.

Vice-President: Perform the duties of the President in the absence or resignation of the President.

Section 3.

Recording Secretary: Record and take minutes at the meetings of the Board, the Executive Board, and the general membership.

Section 4.

Secretary-Treasurer [Library Secretary]: Responsible for maintaining: financial records; membership directory; and notifying members of the meeting time and place. Also responsible for the correspondence of the organization.

Article VI. Board of Directors

Section 1.

In addition to the Executive Officers, the Board shall consist of not less than 9, nor more than 15, members. (This number does not include the positions of Ex officio and Secretary/ Treasurer, which are held by library personnel, and Past President.) At any time during the year, should Board membership numbers fall below 9, the President may make an interim appointment for the remainder of that term. In all other cases, recruitment will take place annually as stipulated in Article IV.

Section 2.

A majority of the members who are present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 3.

Meetings of the Board shall be held at least twice a year.  Special meetings may be called by the President, by petition of the Library Director, or by a majority of the Board.  Issues of immediate importance may be discussed and/or voted on via telephone or email.

Section 4.

The Board shall have the authority to request creation of committees consistent with the purpose of this organization.

Section 5.

Meeting cancellations shall be made in a timely fashion.

Section 6.

Two Board Development events will be planned annually, and attendance is highly encouraged. These are not counted as bi-monthly meetings.

Article VII. Meetings

Section 1.

An annual membership meeting shall be held in the month of May on a date to be determined by the Board President. Members shall be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. We request you attend the Annual Membership Meeting/Luncheon. This is not counted as a bi-monthly meeting.

Section 2.

Board Members can attend all meetings virtually or in person. A Zoom meeting room will be created for all meetings.

Section 3.

A special meeting of this organization may be called at any time by the President, by petition of the Library Director, or by a majority of the Board.

Section 4.

Meeting cancellations shall be posted in the library no later than 24 hours prior to such meeting.

Section 5.

Ticketed events, fundraisers, pledge drives, etcetera, are highly encouraged.

Article VIII. Attendance Policy

Section 1.

Please prioritize four out of six meetings, virtual or in-person attendance. Six bi-monthly meetings are held annually.

Section 2.

If you need to report an absence, please contact the Recording Secretary and Treasurer. Attendance at one event or outreach per year is highly encouraged.

Section 3.

Attendance at one outreach event annually (i.e., Fall Rally, Friend-raising) is highly encouraged. Participating at other tables and events like the Fall Rally is agreeable.

Article IX. Student Interns

Section 1.

Maximum of two interns each semester.

Section 2.

Must be a registered /active college student.

Section 3.

Must be taking a minimum of six credit hours.

Section 4.

Must reapply each semester.

Section 5.

The Attendance Policy is similar to Board Members.

Article X. Funds

Section 1.

All Friends of the Mott Library funds shall be held by the Foundation for Mott Community College in a fiduciary capacity.

Section 2.

The Finance Committee shall provide a budget which will include projected annual revenue and expenditures for approval.

Section 3.

Funds shall be disbursed by the Secretary-Treasurer with the approval of the Library Director and Board President.

Section. 4.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide a financial report at Board and general membership meetings.

Section 5.

In between regular Board meetings, officers of the Board may approve unanticipated library expenditures of up to $500.00. A majority vote prevails.

Article IX. Amendments

Section 1.

Bylaws amendments and meeting notification shall be mailed to the general membership at least two weeks prior to the meeting. A two thirds vote of those present is required for approval.

Article X. Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1.

Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, when not in conflict with these bylaws, shall govern the proceedings of this organization.

2024/2025 Board of Director


  • PresidentChristina Kinney
  • Vice-President Jennifer Follett
  • Recording Secretary Kelly Johnson
  • Secretary/Treasurer Dawn Vert
  • Ex-Officio Jill Sodt

Board of Directors

  • Terri Koyl
  • Lohra Nye

Board Duties

Board of Directors


To determine policies, procedures and regulations for the conduct of the organization; to raise funds to finance the organization and its programs; and to monitor organizational performance.


A member will serve as long as they maintain active status and wish to continue serving.


Attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the general board; standing committees; and special events hosted by the Friends of Mott Library. Provide written notice to Board Secretary when unable to attend.


Board President

  • Establish policies for administering the program and services which are in harmony with the purpose of the organization.
  • Elect officers and identify new members with the ability and skills needed to support the organization
  • Embrace and promote the Friends of Mott Library Mission through leadership, community contacts and monetary (dues) contribution
  • Secure funds required for current expenses by mobilizing the entire volunteer and staff forces for active participation in funding efforts
  • Ensure that the financial affairs of the agency are conducted on a responsible basis in accordance with established policies
  • Be informed about the Mott Library functions, programs and services and who they serve
  • Be prepared for meetings and informed about the organizations policies, procedures and by-laws
  • Make all decisions and take all actions based on the principles of reasonable prudence and acting in good faith in matters of board operations



To provide leadership to the board and committees on policies, procedures and regulations for the conduct of the board; to raise funds to support the Mott Library services and program; and to monitor board performance.


Re-election every two years - not to exceed a four year consecutive term.


Attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the general board; executive board; and sub-committee meetings at the request of the committee chair. Attend special events hosted by the Friends of Mott Library.


Board of Directors and Mott Library Director

  • To preside over and conduct meetings and to appoint all committees and be an ex officio member thereof as stipulated in the by-laws and consistent with goals and mission of the board
  • Embrace and promote the Friends of Mott Library Mission through leadership, community contacts and monetary (dues) contribution
  • Support and provide leadership to the board with fundraising and marketing efforts
  • Require timely reports from all committee meetings from the committee chairs
  • Contribute knowledge and express points of view based on experience
  • Consider other points of view, make constructive suggestions and help the board make group decisions which reflect the thinking of the total group
  • Be informed about the Mott Library functions, programs and services and who they serve
  • Be prepared for meetings
  • Make all decisions and take all actions based on the principles of reasonable prudence and acting in good faith



Hold Position of Library Secretary. (Not an elected office)


Library Director and Board President

  • To be responsible for keeping the records of the organization including financial, memberships, fundraising events and other activities
  • To conduct correspondence of the organization, including generating supporting material for meetings and activities
  • Work with each committee chairperson in order to accomplish functions with which the committee is responsible. Provide chairpersons with necessary data and information
  • Supports Friends of the Mott Library and acts as liaison between departments of the college and outside agencies
  • Perform purchasing function for the Friends of the Mott Library Coordinates meetings as needed and prepares appropriate accommodations

Board Development Committee

Board Development Committee Chairperson


Must be a member of the Executive Board


Executive Board

  • Meet all responsibilities of a Board Member of the Friends of Mott Library Board
  • Work with the Executive Board and Mott Library Director to determine committee tasks and priorities
  • Periodically review the committee commission and work with the Executive Board to revise as needed
  • Determine qualifications and recruit qualified, capable committee members
  • Work with library staff to carry out tasks as needed
  • Prepare and annual calendar of major committee activities and meeting dates
  • Schedule and give notice of committee meetings, to be held as often as is necessary to accomplish the business of the committee, but at least quarterly
  • Prepare agendas for all committee meetings, and distribute one week prior to meeting date, along with reports and/or other materials pertinent to the upcoming meeting
  • Chair all committee meetings
  • Encourage the active participation and involvement of all members in the committee's meetings and ongoing activities
  • Prepare minutes of all committee meetings and distribute to the committee membership and to the Executive Board
  • Facilitate committee work in planning objectives and timelines in accordance with the organization's goals and strategic planning practices
  • Act as liaison between the Board of Directors and the committee
  • Make regular reports to the Board on the activities and progress of the committee

Board Development Committee


To provide consistent oversight, guidance and management concerning all aspects of the membership function for the Executive Board and for the good of Friends of Mott Library


Committee Chair

  • Meet all responsibilities of a Board Member of the Friends of Mott Library Board
  • Develop, recommend to the Board and periodically review policies (By Laws) related to Board operations and membership
  • Develop and periodically review criteria for Board Membership including specific expectations for Board member participation and contributions
  • Annually assess the skill, experience and other qualifications most needed in new Board members and make recommendations to Membership Board
  • Develop and present a thorough orientation program for new Board members, including a Board manual
  • Analyze the need for, develop and present ongoing training and development activities for all Board members
  • Conduct a Board self-assessment program at least once very three years (ideally on a yearly basis)
  • Develop and implement recognition events and activities, which will sincerely, acknowledge the contributions of individual Board members
  • Monitor and keep record of attendance at all Board and Committee meetings
  • Encourage active Board members participation on standing and ad hoc committees
  • Contribute financially to the organization
  • Strong Chair
  • Orientation Manual
  • Term limits
  • Attendance records (minutes from all committee meetings)
  • Board member responsibilities/Job Descriptions
  • Skills Assessment Questionnaire

Membership Committee


Committee member must be a member of the Board of Directors. It is recommended that the committee chair be an elected officer.


Membership Committee Chair reports to Executive Board. Membership Committee member reports to Membership Chair.

  • Prepare and implement an annual membership drive with the assistance of the Library staff
  • Serve as Nominating Committee for new board members for annual meeting
  • Responsible for preparing a quarterly newsletter to the membership, with the assistance of Library staff
  • Responsible for encouraging the active participation of the membership on standing committees, friend and fundraising efforts and special events
  • Responsible for encouraging the Board in dues participation
  • Chair is responsible for submitting a plan (with calendar) of Membership Committee activities per annum
  • Chair is responsible for submitting committee updates/reports to the Executive Board on a regular basis, and at the minimum at every regularly scheduled business meeting

Fundraising Committee

Fundraising Members

Must be a member of the Friends of the Mott Library Board


Board President and Executive Committee

  • Act as a liaison between the Officers of the Board and the fundraising committee
  • Work with the Board President to determine qualifications for fundraising committee members, and to identify, recruit qualified, capable committee members
  • Work with the Board President and the Director of the Library to determine fundraising tasks and priorities for the coming year
  • Prepare annual calendar of fundraising events and activities
  • Chair all fundraising committee meetings Schedule and give notice of fundraising committee meetings, to be held as deemed necessary
  • Prepare agendas for all fundraising committee meetings and distribute to committee members at least one week prior to meeting along with all other materials pertinent to meeting, if possible
  • Prepare minutes of all fundraising committee meetings and distribute to all committee members and Board President in a timely manner
  • Encourage the active participation and involvement of all members of the committee at meetings and at all fundraising events and activities
  • Facilitate and oversee committee work in planning and coordinating fundraising events and activities
  • Work with appropriate library staff persons when coordinating fundraising events and activities
  • Make regular reports to the Board on the activities and progress of the fundraising committee