All Mott Community College regulations shall be construed so as not to abridge any
student’s constitutional rights which include, but are not limited to, the rights
of free expression of thought or opinion, free association, peaceable assembly, or
the petition of authorities.
Any student who commits any of the following acts of misconduct shall be subject to
disciplinary action by the college. These regulations shall apply only where a student’s
misconduct has adversely affected some college process or function or some other distinct
and clear interest of the college as an academic community. College disciplinary proceedings
may be instituted against a student charged with violation of a law which is also
a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. For example, if both violations result
from the same factual situation, without regard to the pendency of civil litigation
in court or criminal arrest and prosecution, proceedings under the Student Code of
Conduct may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal
proceedings off-campus.
Acts Of Prohibited Conduct Include, But Not Limited To, The Following:
- A. Assault and Battery
- Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to any person on college premises or at college sponsored activities, or intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension of such harm.
- B. Weapons
- Unauthorized use, including, but not limited to, possession or storage of any weapon, dangerous chemicals, explosive or incendiary devices on college premises or at college sponsored activities either on or off campus.
- C. Drugs
- Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, use or possession, or being under the influence of any controlled substance or illegal drug on college premises or at college sponsored activities either on or off campus.
- D. Alcoholic Beverages
- Consumption, possession or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverages, beer and/or wine on college premises or at college sponsored activities either on or off campus unless previously approved in writing by the supervising college official(s).
- E. Disruptive Behavior
- Intentionally or recklessly interfering with normal college sponsored activities, including, but not limited to, studying, teaching, research, college administration, designated areas of activities, fire, security, or emergency services; or inciting others to commit disruptive behavior; any unauthorized occupancy of Mott facilities or access to or from such facilities; or failure to provide identification when directed.
- F. Endangerment
- Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency on college premises or at college sponsored activities.
- G. Harassment
- Intimidation or harassment of another student or staff member of the college, including but not limited to, racial harassment or threats, and may include verbal and/or physical actions. Intentionally making repeated telephone calls to or from the college with intent to annoy, threaten or harass another person. This includes stalking — following or appearing within the sight of another, approaching or confronting another individual in a public or private place, appearing at the work place or residence of another, entering or remaining on an individual’s property, contacting by telephone, or sending mail or electronic mail.
- H. Discrimination
- Intentionally and substantially interfering with the freedom of others on college premises or at college sponsored activities based on age, color, disability, gender, height, weight, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation or veteran’s status.
- I. Theft
- Theft of property or of services on college premises or at college sponsored activities. This includes tampering with vending machines. Knowing possession of stolen property on college premises or at college sponsored activities.
- J. Gambling
- Illegal gambling on college premises or at college sponsored events.
- K. Vandalism
- Intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging the property of others on college premises or at college sponsored activities. Unauthorized use of college facilities. Unauthorized presence in or use of college premises, facilities or property.
- L. Soliciting
- Selling or soliciting goods or services on campus without written permission from the supervising college official(s).
- M. Counterfeiting, Altering, Impersonating or Financial Irresponsibility
- Any forgery, alteration of, or unauthorized use of Mott forms, records, documents or I.D. cards, including the giving of false information or withholding necessary information in connection with a student’s admission, enrollment or status at Mott. Impersonating a Mott Faculty, Staff, or Student to gain access to unauthorized materials. This additionally includes passing a worthless check, money order or other method of payment to the College or to a member of the college community.
- N. Smoking
- Violations of college smoking policy. Smoking prohibition includes e-cigarettes and medical marijuana.
- O. Computer Misuse
- Unauthorized access or attempted access into college records or other student’s computer work or any misuse of college computer facilities. Use of computer networks for sending or receiving illegal, pornographic, or threatening information.
- P. Academic Dishonesty
- All forms of academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, plagiarism and the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic materials. See Academic Integrity Policy.
- Q. Inappropriate Hearing Behavior
- Disrespectful or disorderly behavior, or the giving of false testimony or other false evidence at any hearings arising under this policy.
- R. Violations of Sanctions
- Violation of the terms of an imposed disciplinary sanction or violation of the Student Code of Conduct while on disciplinary sanction.
- S. Failure to Appear
- Failing to appear at the request of any disciplinary hearing authorities.
- T. Other Violations
- Violating any laws or regulations (federal, state or local) or violating any published policies or regulations of Mott Community College including, but not limited to, those regarding access or departure from college buildings or structures, use of facilities, the college’s Student Code of Conduct, and other rules and regulations which may be enacted, published, or promulgated by the Board of Trustees or its designees.
- U. Technology Usage
- No electronic communication device, which means a device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays a message or otherwise receives or communicates a message, may be active during class without the oral or written consent of the instructor. Such devices may include, but are not limited to, portable pagers, hand-held radios, cellular telephones, PDAs and any technology developed for similar purpose.
Reviewed: 10/2021
Updated: 2/2025