Mott Community College Public Safety Department Infectious Disease Outbreak Procedures

Genesee County infectious disease outbreaks of any type would come under the control and direction of the Genesee County Health Department until relieved by another Health Agency at the State or Federal level. The Director of Public Safety and his/her designee is responsible for coordination with the Genesee County Health Department and outside agencies in the event of any major emergency, disaster or infectious disease outbreak.

In the event of a major emergency, disaster, or infectious disease outbreak, the following steps outline the College's response.

  1. The Genesee County Health Department (810) 257-3603 and/or the Genesee County Office of Sheriff Department of Emergency Management (810) 257-3064 will notify the Department of Public Safety and will relay as much information as possible (i.e. Type of problem, symptoms, how many people may be affected).
  2. If a quarantine is deemed necessary by the Genesee County Health Department or another responding health agency, Public Safety will immediately secure the campus allowing only authorized persons to enter and carry out other responsibilities as directed. The Office of the President will notify all executive cabinet members of all actions taken, and all directions given to Public Safety by the Genesee County Health Department (i.e.: procedures to include, but not limited to, a list of individuals coming in contact with the infected person, and service agencies to assist with questions and answers that will provide appropriate information to members of the community).
  3. If school is in session and a decision is made to immediately close the college because of an infectious disease outbreak, and the and the school is not to be quarantined, the Public Safety Dispatcher will notify students, faculty and staff. First, an announcement will be made on the college’s P.A. system that the college is closed. Marketing will communicate via the RAVE system, email, and voice mail to all students, faculty and staff of the closing and post the information on the college designated closing line and the college’s web page. All public safety officers will report to their assigned buildings and secure those buildings after students, faculty, and staff have left.
  4. Outside of regular business hours when a decision is made to close the college, the information will be placed on the school closing line, and an announcement will be made to students, faculty, and staff over the RAVE system, and an alert to the closing will be placed on the Mott College web site.
  5. Any decision regarding closure of the college during an infectious disease outbreak, or subsequent opening or closing of the college after a disease outbreak, will be made by the president of the college in consultation with the Executive Cabinet, the Executive Director of Public Safety and the Genesee County Health Department, or the designated Health Agency responding to the incident.
  6. Marketing will coordinate with administration, all the various agencies involved, and any media releases that are necessary.
  7. In the event of a major emergency, disaster or infectious disease outbreak, updated information will be linked to our Public Safety web site.

Seasonal Flu/Pandemic Update

The following are helpful links and resources to further monitor and understand the issues concerning the avian, pandemic and seasonal flu.