Prevention Programs

The Public Safety Department of Mott Community College works to prevent crimes from occurring rather than react to them after the fact. MCC has a comprehensive Crime Prevention program which is based upon the dual concepts of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities, whenever possible, and encouraging the college community to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.

Escort Program

Provides a Public Safety escort, available upon request, for persons walking on campus (Main Campus). For an escort, call (810) 762-0222, 2-0222 on the college phone system.

Security Patrols

Public Safety personnel are assigned to continuously patrol all areas of campus 24 hours per day, all year long.

Emergency Response Team (ERT)

When an emergency has been declared on campus you will see many ERT members in yellow vests/jackets providing directions for taking shelter, exiting the building or other safety instructions. Please quickly and accurately follow their directions. If additional assistance is required notify an ERT member as soon as possible.

  • Building Emergency Call Boxes

    Each building on the main campus has Emergency Call Boxes located in the hallways. These boxes are marked by a "red sign" and by this symbol Emergency Call Box Map Symbolon the main campus maps. Push the button for assistance from Public Safety.

  • Parking Lot/ Ramp / Campus Grounds Emergency Call Boxes

    Emergency Call Boxes are located throughout the grounds of the main campus. These boxes are marked by a "blue light". Push the button for assistance from Public Safety.

Crime Reporting

Efforts are made to advise members of the campus community on a timely basis about campus crime and related crime problems. See Crime Statistics.

Closed Circuit Television Surveillance

Cameras are operational in various areas of the main campus, including some parking areas.

Electronic Alarm Systems

Electronic alarms are installed on MCC’s Main Campus, with the system being expanded.

Whistle Alert Program

Students or employees can get a free, high-quality whistle to use in the event of a threat or attack.

Office Watch Program

A formal network of employees who act as the "Eyes and Ears" of the Department of Public Safety to report suspicious persons or activities.

Safety Tips

  • If you feel that you are being followed go to an office, a highly visible area or a place where there are people who can see you. Call the Department of Public Safety at (810) 762-0222 or 2-0222 from any on campus phone or activate the nearest emergency call box.
  • Keep your personal belongings in view at all times. Never leave them even for a moment, to use the restroom or get a drink.
  • Keep your purse in a locked cabinet or locker. Never place your valuables in a highly visible area.
  • If you observe a suspicious person, report it to the Department of Public Safety. Call (810) 762-0222 or 2-0222 from any on campus phone or activate the nearest emergency call box.
  • At night never walk alone. If no one is available to walk with you, call the Department of Public Safety and request an escort at (810) 762-0222 or 2-0222 from any on campus phone, activate the nearest emergency call box or when you see a Public Safety Officer, he or she will be willing to walk with you.
  • Walk on designated walkways that are well lit. Report poor lighting or any lights that are out to the Department of Public Safety at (810) 762-0222 or 2-0222 or any Public Safety Officer.
  • Never prop open doors, especially fire doors.
  • Always remember do not leave valuables in your car in open view, conceal such items in a safe place or in the trunk of your car.
  • Add ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact information into your cell phone for emergency personnel to access in the event of an emergency.

If anyone needs medical assistance or an ambulance, call the Public Safety Department. Each of our patrol cars has up-to-date first aid kits and we have a direct link to the Flint Police Department.