Giving to your college is easy, convenient, and essential. Our challenge is to seek out ways to help students at MCC overcome financial obstacles to achieve their goals. Our hope is that the community will catch the spirit and help us fortify Mott Community College!
There are several ways you can show your support:
The Foundation for MCC thanks you for your generous support of our College community!
The easiest way to support the Foundation for MCC is to make an online donation. Or, print, complete and return your gift form with your payment via mail.
You may offer a quarterly, annual or one-time gift, and major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) are accepted. Gifts may be offered in memoriam and a variety of funding choices are available.
The Foundation for MCC is a nonprofit organization and donations offer excellent tax credits.
The Foundation for MCC also offers a number of other giving opportunities, including the employee giving campaign, the endowment growth initiative and many other opportunities.
We invite you to support Dr. Beverly’s inspiring legacy with a gift to the Dr. Beverly S. Walker-Griffea Academic Scholarship Endowment! This fund will acknowledge the importance of education, with a special emphasis on empowering Black students who have demonstrated academic excellence at Mott Community College!
Make a gift today!There are many opportunities for faculty and staff to give back as philanthropists and donors to our shared institution. Share your passion for higher education with a gift to the FMCC Endowment and general fund, a divisional fund, student scholarship or any other fund. Learn more about our Employee Giving Campaign and use our convenient online giving form to finalize your gift.
We are pleased to accept one-time contributions or gifts paid over time through payroll deduction. We can also help you think about ways to help the College after you’re gone by preparing a planned gift.
The Foundation for Mott Community College is acting today to create endowments and further our resource development program. The fund will use interest dollars to continue our outstanding operations while the endowed funds remain intact.
Successful endowments allow us to:
The Foundation maintains Named Endowments, True Permanent Endowments, Restricted Endowments and Unrestricted Endowments. Donors may review a complete list of endowments, scholarships and other awards.
You are also invited to support the Lenore Croudy Family Life Center (LCFLC). Located on the main campus in the former Woodside Church, the LCFLC provides many critical services to the College Community including our Early Childhood Learning Center, The Venkat K. Rao Mott Eats Food Pantry, clothing via Ellen's Closet and much more. The LCFLC is named in honor of Lenore Croudy, an educator, board of trustees chair and cherished advocate for Mott Community College. When you support the LCFLC you support students from all walks of life seeking the resources to further their education and careers!
In addition to online donations, our employee giving campaign and the endowment growth initiative, many forms of giving are available to donors. Gifts may include:
Giving to The Foundation helps us help the College … through initiatives, equipment, mini-grants, scholarships and endowments, and new programming, such as the MCC Dental Program, the Regional Technology Center, as well as community partnerships!
All gifts are welcome. Unrestricted gifts enable The Foundation to help the College where the need is greatest. Many donors choose to continue giving to restricted, specific designations.
The Foundation also collects non-college gifts via payroll deduction from Mott employees as a service to outside agencies. Additionally, The Foundation manages funds on behalf of an external agency as a service to, and partnership with, the community.
All funds are managed by The Foundation for MCC's Board of Directors and staff.
Giving to The Foundation since 2009 is as follows:
Time Frame | Unrestricted $ | Restricted Designated $ | $ Collected for Outside Agencies | Managed Funds for Outside Agencies |
1/1 - 12/31/22 | $66,444.00 | $853,239.00 | $9,825.00 | $11,325.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/21 | $85,305.00 | $833,224.00 | $10,821.00 | $16,376.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/20 | $65,295.00 | $797,134.00 | $7,494.00 | $148,291.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/19 | $67,199.00 | $1,452,865.00 | $103,403.00 | $10,347.84 |
1/1 - 12/31/18 | $57,811.00 | $2,669,834.00 | $5,794.16 | $25,976.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/17 | $57,148.00 | $951,299.00 (includes $320,397 on Non-Cash Contributions) |
$6,340.15 | $65,258.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/16 | $67,762.00 | $802,553.00 (includes $416,756 on Non-Cash Contributions) |
$5,115.82 | $95,000.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/15 | $215,205.00 | $314,900.00 | $5,668.67 | $0.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/14 | $98,340.00 | $233,556.00 | $5,516.91 | $287,749.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/13 | $173,233.00 | $449,073.00 | $11,162.98 | $179,479.00 |
1/1 - 12/31/12 | $102,480.00 | $254,237.00 | $5,161.00 | $170,751.00 |
1/1 – 12/31/11 | $107,386.00 | $319,734.00 | $2,850.00 | $179,885.00 |
1/1 – 12/31/10 | $31,539.00 | $193,576.00 | $10,115.00 | $150,000.00 |
1/1 – 12/31/09 | $18,914.00 | $196,971.00 | $5,150.00 | $206,728.00 |
Do you have time and/or resources you'd like to volunteer? Volunteers are always needed and appreciated at the Foundation. Throughout the year, we have many opportunities to join our efforts! Many special events require a special touch, talent or creative mind. We mail publications and invitations on a regular basis and special committees steer projects and friend and fund raise.
With so many options for giving it can be overwhelming to decide how to move forward! Whether you are making a donation, supporting an endowment, volunteering your time or considering another form of giving we are here to help.
Contact the Foundation for MCC at (810) 762-0425 or send us a quick email to
You also may send a letter to:
Lennetta B. Coney, President Foundation for MCC
1401 E. Court St. Flint, MI 48503-2089
Benefactors who step up to the challenges of today and tomorrow may be honored by having a facility, a classroom or even a roadway on the MCC campus named. This is one way to recognize those individuals who make personal sacrifices to sustain the future for this college and the community it serves.
The Foundation welcomes and honors all donors as members of a society of recognition. To review all donors past and present, please review our Foundation for MCC Annual Reports.
Society | Contribution Level |
Philanthropic Society | $500,000 to $1 million |
$250,000 to $499,999 | |
$100,000 to $249,999 | |
Millennium Society | $75,000 to $99,999 |
$50,000 to $74,999 | |
Legacy Society | $25,000 to $49,999 |
$10,000 to $24,999 | |
Ambassador Society | $5,000 to $9,999 |
$2,500 to $4,999 | |
$1,000 to $2,499 | |
Benefactor Society | $500 to $999 |
$250 to $499 | |
$100 to $249 |