General Information about Mott Community College

Mott Community College is required by law to make available to enrolled students, prospective students, and their parents certain information about its operations. Such information pertains to: (1) general institutional operation, (2) financial aid, (3) general completion and graduation rates, (4) annual security report and safety and security, (5) completion and graduation rates for student athletes, and (6) athletic program participation rates and financial support.

Financial Aid Information

General Completion and Graduation Rates

Annual Security Report & Safety and Security

Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support

General Information about Mott Community College

Financial Aid Information

  • Cost of Attendance and Net Price Calculator

    • Financing your education takes both planning and budgeting. Our financial aid tools can help set expectations for the types of funding you may be eligible to receive and the cost of attendance for the particular degree and program in which you are interested. The affordability of a MCC education is apparent by the following tuition rates and fees.
    • Cost of Attendance
      Net Price Calculator

  • Federal Ombudsman for Federal Loan Disputes

    • U.S. Department of Education
      FSA Ombudsman Group
      P.O. Box 1854
      Monticello, KY 42633
      1-877-557-2575 • 606-396-4821 (fax)
    • Federal Ombudsman
  • Financial Aid Process

    • This step-by-step process will provide the tools you need to easily complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the financial aid process.
    • Financial Aid Step-by-Step Process
  • Eligibility

  • Sources of Aid

    • Financial Aid (Title IV funding: Pell Grant, Direct Loans, etc) will pay for any Associates, Certificate, or Transferable program. It does not, however, pay for Credit by Exam, Undecided or Alternative Programs.
    • View the Sources of Aid
  • Federal Work Study Program

    • Students are eligible for work study if they meet all of the following requirements. Students have to be awarded and accept work study from the FWS Program by the MCC Financial Aid Office. Register and attend the number of credit hours required to be a student employee.
    • Review the Federal Work Study Program
  • Direct Lending/Loans

  • Bookstore

    • The Mott Community College Bookstore is your source for all the materials required for your courses. Available items include textbooks, course packs, hardware and software. Students with awarded financial aid, that exceeds their tuition costs, will have funding automatically available for use in the MCC Bookstore during the posted dates.
    • Visit Mott Bookstore Online
  • Disbursement of Funds

    • Financial aid disbursements vary depending on the type of aid awarded, amount of the aid, and the date the aid is awarded. Please visit Student Financial Services or our website for answers to any further questions.
    • Disbursement of Funds
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress

    • Federal regulations require a student to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to maintain eligibility for the following financial aid programs: All Federal and State Programs. Mott Community College also requires satisfactory progress for institutional scholarships.
    • Additional Information on Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities

  • Return of Title IV Funds

    • Title IV aid that has been received during a semester will be recalculated to determine how much has been earned if a student has: officially withdrawn from all courses within a semester, or failed all 1st half courses and withdrew from all late start or 2nd half courses, or received failing grades in all the courses they are enrolled within a semester, or has ceased attendance in all courses.
    • Return of Title IV Funds
  • Entrance and Exit Counseling

    • Students who request Direct Loan funding are required to complete the entrance counseling via website. The counseling provides comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of the loan and the borrower’s responsibilities. MCC notifies students about completing exit counseling once they have dropped below half-time enrollment, withdrawn, or have graduated. Exit counseling helps students understand their rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower.
    • Entrance Counseling Exit Counseling
  • Contact Information

    • If you have any additional questions regarding our financial assistance programs, academic programs, tuition costs, or other items indicated in the disclosure please contact us at :
      Mott Community College 1401 E. Court St. Flint, MI 48503 Tel: 810-762-0200
    • Contact Information

General Completion and Graduation Rates

Annual Security Report & Safety and Security

  • Annual Security Report

    • At Mott Community College the only thing more important than our students’ education is their safety. Our public safety has officers on patrol 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
    • View the Annual Security Report
  • Public Safety

    • The Department of Public Safety is responsible for security and emergency response at Mott Community College. Staffing by sworn police officers with full powers of arrest is provided 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Officers patrol the main campus, the four extension centers and the area encompassing a one mile radius around the main campus, including the Flint Cultural Center and Kearsley Park. The Department of Public Safety also employs non-certified and student Public Safety Officers. These officers have the same duties and responsibilities; however, they do not have the power of arrest.
    • Additional Information on Public Safety
  • Emergency Response

    • Our objective is to provide a safe college community for students, faculty, staff and visitors to work, learn and visit. Your safety is of the utmost importance and we encourage you to share in this responsibility. We urge you to be aware of your environment and to continually strive to maintain the highest possible level of safety within our community.
    • View our complete Emergency Response and Preparedness Policies
  • Drug-Free Workplace

  • College Policies

    • All Mott Community College student employees are bound by, but not limited to, the following College policies and governed by the Student Code of Conduct.
    • Review all College Polices
  • Student Code of Conduct

    • A student's fundamental right is the right to learn, and the College has a responsibility to provide protections, opportunities and environments that promote learning. The student, in turn, has responsibilities to other members of the Mott Community College community to refrain from interfering with the rights of others to learn, teach, and work.
    • Review the Student Code of Conduct
  • Vaccination Requirement

Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support

* Much of the information above, as well as additional information, can also be found on the college’s website. If the links provided do not take you directly to the section of the document that is referenced, please do a ‘search’ for the specific title or section noted at